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Jargon File
A collection of terms used in business, commercial and corporate law indexed in a flat file database.  If you hear a term you do not understand or think a term used in a case or in class should be explained, send the instructor an e-mail suggestion for an addition to the Jargon File.

An attempt to simulate the drafting of commercial and corporate documents on-line to facilitate student understanding of codes and case law.

Precedent File

Sample commercial and corporate law documents (or excerpts) may posted here to inspire students in their on-line drafting efforts.  These materials are often modified from those found in actual practice and are for educational purposes only!  In addition, class notes on selected topics may be found here.


A place to post questions for the instructor or your classmates.


Contains class descriptions, assignments and other information.  If the instructor is teaching more than one class, sub pages may be created and linked.

Commercial Law I; Advanced Commercial Law; Contracts


Posting of class scheduling information and relevant University or Law School information.  Also, you will find links to search engines, and legal and general news web pages.  Sometimes access codes and test codes to practice quizzes are posted on the News page.


Searches the web pages for the UCCstuff web site.  NB: The search engine looks at static web pages only.  It does not look at the Jargon File or DocumentMaker which are generated on the fly by CGI/Perl scripts.  The Jargon File and DocumentMaker draw information from separate databases and not web pages.


A collection of links that you may find useful in the study of business, commercial or corporate law.  If you find an interesting link, tell the instructor about it by e-mail.

Test Taker

A page that has links to practice tests and quizzes. The practice tests do not require an access or test code. The practice quizzes do require an access code and a test code. The page for practice tests is accessed through the orange "Practice Quiz" button on the lower right hand portion of the Test Taker page.

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Copyright (c) 2002 William H. Widen. All rights reserved.
Updated: Tuesday May 17 2011