Tell me about the uccStuff website . . .

General: This site was designed and built by the instructor.  The instructor also maintains this site.  Some of the computer applications and web resources used in this process are described below.

Host: This website is hosted by  Netfirms hosts websites on Redhat Linux based Servers running an optimized version of Apache server software. The servers are UNIX based.  The host does not support active server pages or JSP server extensions. Accordingly, none of those techniques are used on this site.  A small fee was paid to remove banner ads and obtain the pristine URL.

The host does support SSI (server side includes).  A SSI is used to include the current date at the top of various pages and the date that a page was last modified on the bottom.  The host does support Perl.  Perl script is used to run the various programs on the site, including the classmaster, certain electronic quizzes, the jargon file, the Ultimate UCC chat rooms, and the documentmaker features for this site. 

ClassMaster: You will not find the CGI/Perl script that runs ClassMaster on the internet.  It is a custom program that is being developed by the instructor.  ClassMaster allows students to pick a seat for class and to provide the instructor with an e-mail address for class notices. Another utility allows the instructor to use a random number generator to call on students and to evaluate whether the student is absent, prepared or unprepared (recording the date of the evaluation).  The instructor is able to manage multiple classes and classroom seating configurations with this utility.  Only the instructor may give you a preview of the administrator utilities. 

DocumentMaker: You will not find the CGI/Perl script that runs DocumentMaker on the internet.  It is a custom program that is being developed by the instructor.  Should the instructor give you access codes to use document maker, any questions or comments would be appreciated.  From time to time, DocumentMaker may be used without access codes.  It depends on the mood of the instructor. DocumentMaker is in the process of being integrated with the Jargon File in order to pull sample contract clauses into the Jargon File for review.

Ultimate UCC Chat: You will not find the CGI/Perl script that runs Ultimate UCC Chat on the internet. It is a custom program that is being developed by the instructor (however, it is loosely based on a public script which the Instructor has "hacked" to make it do what he wants (primarily password protecting participation in the chat).

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away . . .Professor Widen used Ultimate UCC Chat to play a game he designed called "Ultimate Code". However, the last time he launched that game for a commercial law class, it generated a lot of controversy as students argued (almost to the point of physical confrontations) over the interpretation of the rules (which was, of course, part of the point of the game-but it got out of hand--arguing yes in a respectful manner, threats-not so much). If other aspects of the course go well online, the Instructor may initiate a game of "Ultimate Code" in some version. WE SHALL SEE . . .

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