Grading, Exams, Attendance

The grade of each student will be based on a single final examination.   The exam consists of a series of true/false and multiple choice questions which will be worth approximately 75% of the grade.   You may be asked to explain the reasons for certain answers in a blue book or to answer additional essay questions for approximately 25% of the grade.  Each exam will be graded "blind".  The exam will be closed book, closed notes, etc. --just each student, a number two pencil for the multiple choice and true/false portion of the test and an ink pen for the blue book answers.   No palm pilots, no camcorders, no walkmans.  If the Law School selects the course for a computer exam option, the instructor will permit use of that option.   View Instructions for Fall 2002 Commercial Law Final Exam for an example of exam instructions.  The instructor may decide to assess a penalty for incorrect answers given to multiple choice or true/false questions.  Nonsense and mindless outline dumping will be viewed negatively on the essay portion of the exam.

After determination of a preliminary grade, the instructor may adjust the grade downward based on (1) (a) failure to timely complete online quizzes or (b) repeated below average scores on the online quizzes, (2) poor attendance, (3) poor class participation or (4) lack of preparedness. 

Tell me about...

How you take class attendance

The sole method of taking class attendance is the Classmaster. If you want to play roulette, go ahead. Under no circumstances should you speak to Professor Widen about absences. You should speak to the Dean of Students Office. If an absence is excused for a day that the Classmaster caught you, your absence will be erased. If the Dean of Students does not give you an excused absence, that is too bad. Excuses that are left up to the discretion of the instructor will automatically be treated as NOT EXCUSED.

Request for grade change

Professor Widen will review an exam for computational error only.

Practice Midterm

Professor Widen will make a copy of the practice midterm available to the entire class even though only a portion of the class will take this exam.

Office Hours

Professor Widen does not have regular office hours during the Fall 2004 semester. Professor Widen will answer questions after his Contract law class on the bricks from 12:20 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. You may make an appointment for an office visit with Professor Widen's secretary, Ms. Julie Skokan, telephone: (305) 284-2353; e-mail

Course Policy Page

Wednesday Mar 12 2025  

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