Contracts, Spring 2008

This 4 unit first year course meets in Room F209 on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 am to 9:50 am.

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Reading Assignments

Required Texts: Casebook-Steven J. Burton, Principles of Contract Law (3d edition); Statutes/Restatement-James E. Byrne (editor), Restatement 2d Contracts & U.S. UCC Article 2 (3d edition). [NB: The second edition of Byrne may be used but page references referred to in class may not match.]

Supplemental Cases: You will be responsible for the supplemental cases as indicated in the reading assignments in the syllabus.READ CURRENT VERSION OF SYLLABUS In general, supplemental cases will be distributed to your school email.


I. Promises & Offers

Wednesday, January 16th: Burton (1-32); Supplement—Payne v. Cave, Adams v. Lindsell, Dickinson v. Dodds, Beaumont v. Prieto, Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, Leonard v. Pepsico; RST2d §1, 2, 3, 344, 201, 24, 26, 33, 35

II. Acceptance

Friday, January 18th: Burton (33-65); Supplement—Hill v. Gateway 2000; RST2d §36, 41, 38, 39, 59, 42, 43, 46, 50, 53, 25, 37, 45, 54, 32, 56, 58, 63, 19, 69

III. Formation of a Contract Under the U.C.C. & “Battle of the Forms”

Wednesday, January 23rd: Burton (66-89); Supplement—Northrop Corp. v. Litronic Industries; U.C.C. §2-204, 2-206, 1-201(3), 1-201(11), 2-207, amended 2-206 & 2-207

IV. Incomplete Agreements & The Requirement of Writing

Friday, January 25th: Burton (88-127); U.C.C. §2-204(3), 2-305, 2-201, 2-209; RST2d § 110(1), 129, 131  

Future Assignments: You should expect to read between 30-40 pages in the textbook per class meeting, plus supplemental cases as indicated from time to time. You will be responsible for this reading whether or not it is covered in class. The plan is to proceed straight through the textbook, with readings from the Restatement 2d and the UCC as mentioned in the textbook and as separately assigned. You will be responsible for the entire casebook plus the supplemental cases.

Online Study Aids and Practice Tests

Here is the link to the Practice Mid-term Exam given in the fall semester, 2004. Take for Practice

Dean's Fellow Materials

Your Dean's Fellow is Allison V. Perez.

Final Exam

You will be required to take a final exam to receive credit for this course. The form of this exam for Spring 2008 has not been determined.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend class on a regular basis. There is no attendance sign-in sheet. However, if you are called upon and you are absent, your absence will be noted and may count against your grade. DO NOT BOTHER Professor Widen with excuses related to class absences. If you want an excused absence you must get it from the Dean of Students Office.

Office Hours

On most days, Professor Widen will answer questions after his Contract law class on the bricks. You may make an appointment for an office visit by e-mail:

Contracts Course Page

Wednesday Mar 12 2025  

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